Do your friends often tell you that they are board? I hear that very often from people these days. It got me to thinking about what could be causing so much boredom. I started to realize that the majority of the people saying that they were board were people that had to spend time alone as well. Then the pattern became clear that people get dissatisfied with free time easier when they are alone compared to when they are with other people. Spending free time alone and enjoying it is very important and can also be very fun. Just because you are not hanging out with other people should not mean that you have to be board or unhappy.
A big problem with the world today is that people depend on others too much to make them happy. I am a strong believer that if you can’t make yourself happy, than you should not depend on other people to make you happy either. There are many things you can do by yourself that can be fun and good for you at the same time. One very important way to spend your free time is to rest. Some people think that when they have free time that they should always use it by having to do something to do like going out with friends or cleaning, and etc. Resting is a very comforting and important feature of life that may people do not get to enjoy enough of because they do not think of it as something to do. We all need sleep and rest to survive so how can doing it when you do not have to be a bad thing? Some of us live very hectic and fast pace lives anyway, so if there is a chance to get some extra rest it could only be a good thing.
I’ve also noticed the lack of people that have hobbies. Having hobbies are such a crucial and importantly overlooked area in many people’s lives. Hobbies can be a very good way to spend free time alone because most hobbies do not require you to be with other people. There are thousands of different things you can do for hobbies such as playing an instrument, reading, arts and crafts, building things, listening to music, cooking, and etc. When selecting hobbies you should do things that make you happy and you alone. Do not do things just because they make other people happy. Impressing others does not matter when you are trying to make yourself happy while you are alone. Hobbies are usually things that spark your interest. Things that you think about doing that will give you a sense of satisfaction. The better you spend your time alone the better, because being self sufficient is something that many people lack and is a wonderful attribute to have.
Another good way to spend your free time alone is by just sitting around and thinking. People do not understand the importance of just doing absolutely nothing but sitting and letting your brain just roam freely. Some people will call this daydreaming, and that is alright too. Sometimes life can get so busy and confusing with work, school, family life, and other things that you need to sit down and organize your thoughts. I like to think of it like hitting the reset button on your brain and giving it time to get back on track. This could be the time you troubleshoot things in your life like problems and things that are not quite right that need some special attention maybe. People forget to do many things because they do not take time to think enough.
I am not saying that people should spend all their free time alone. I am not trying to turn people into anti-social homebodies or anything. It is just that I think more people need to make themselves happier while being alone. The good thing about this is that if you can make yourself happy, then it will be much easier to make someone else happy if that is what you choose to do at any given time. For example, have you ever been with someone who didn’t really have any hobbies or special interests? They do not bring anything to the table when it is time to do things. If these people had things that they did alone then maybe they could have suggested that and you guys would have had something to do. People that do cool things alone do cooler things with other people. And even the things that you do alone that you might think are boring or stupid, just may be the coolest thing in the world to someone else.
Being board an unhappy all the time because you have to be alone is very immature and unnecessary. Kids get board because they do not have the brainpower to realize all the many options they may have to make themselves happy while alone. Actually there are some kids who do better with their free time alone than adults because some parents train their kids to play by themselves often. As we get older some of us lose that ability to be happy alone. It is time that everyone try to make a better effort to achieve this so there can be more happy people in the world that are not depending on others for entertainment. If you can’t make yourself happy, then why should you always expect others people to make you happy? And above all it gives you a chance to get closer and get to know the person who matters the most…Yourself.
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